How to Choose Premier Modular Systems
The GTools Industrial Grade workbench system suits the heavy duty user or one who wants the best quality and extra dimensions, larger and thicker metals are used in this series. The 600mm deep workspace area and many tool drawers make it a perfect choice.
- Base units below the workbench are 720mm wide.
- Stainless steel or wood benchtops are 600mm deep and come in 2 lengths, either a 720mm wide to cover 1 base unit or 1440mm wide to cover 2 base units.
- Corner units are 724mm each direction and require matching corner benchtops.
- Workstations are 1.44M wide or the width of 2 base stations.
- Vertical pillars mount to base units or workstations to enable pegboards (these use the robust Euro square peg holes) and overhead cabinets to be joined up.
- Double door cabinets are 915mm wide and 2M tall to match the height of the completed system with pegboards and overheads installed that finish at a 2M height.
It is important to understand the basic components that make up each vertical section.

All these elements are part of what you need to create the solution you want.
Corner units are only needed if you want to go around 2 wall spaces.
You can select any combination of base units and cupboards, to build the pegboards and overhead cabinets onto this and make it a free standing unit, ie it does not bolt onto a wall, then you need to add a frame to a base unit and attach the other components.
NOTE: The overhead cabinets also come pre-drilled with mount holes and are supplied with wall plugs and screws as an option to mount these directly onto your garage wall. This means you do not need pegboards and pillars to finish the system and this reduces cost of components.